Community Organization Partners
Future Partners
Are you a nonprofit organization or NGO working on a grand challenge or UN SDG? We are always on the lookout for local and global community partners and communities with whom students can co-create solutions. For more information, contact Mandy Bratton, Ph.D., Executive Director, Center for Global Sustainable Development,
Current Partners
The Center for Global Sustainable Development acknowledges and values its collaborative partnerships with multiple community organizations, as we strive towards identifying effective solutions to social challenges. We extend our utmost gratitude to our esteemed partners, whose contributions are integral to the realization of our shared vision for a sustainable and equitable world.
As a center committed to global sustainable development, we recognize the importance of aligning our efforts with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In order to provide a comprehensive overview of our collaborative network, we will list our current community organization partners according to the SDG(s) that they focus on. By highlighting the specific SDGs that our partners address, we hope to demonstrate the diversity of our collective efforts towards sustainable development.

SD Goal 1
"Eradicating poverty in all its forms remains one of the greatest challenges facing humanity. This involves targeting the most vulnerable, increasing basic resources and services, and supporting communities affected by conflict and climate-related disasters."

SD Goal 2
"The SDGs aim to end all forms of hunger and malnutrition by 2030, making sure all people–especially children–have sufficient and nutritious food all year. This involves promoting sustainable agricultural, supporting small-scale farmers and equal access to land, technology and markets."

SD Goal 3
"Good health is essential to sustainable development and the 2030 Agenda reflects the complexity and interconnectedness of the two. It takes into account widening economic and social inequalities, rapid urbanization, threats to the climate and the environment, the continuing burden of HIV and other infectious diseases, and emerging challenges such as noncommunicable diseases."

SD Goal 4
"Achieving inclusive and quality education for all reaffirms the belief that education is one of the most powerful and proven vehicles for sustainable development. This goal ensures that all girls and boys complete free primary and secondary schooling by 2030."

SD Goal 5
"Ending all discrimination against women and girls is not only a basic human right, it’s crucial for sustainable future; it’s proven that empowering women and girls helps economic growth and development."

SD Goal 6
"Safe and affordable drinking water for all by 2030 requires we invest in adequate infrastructure, provide sanitation facilities, and encourage hygiene. Protecting and restoring water-related ecosystems is essential."

SD Goal 7
"Investing in solar, wind and thermal power, improving energy productivity, and ensuring energy for all is vital if we are to achieve SDG 7 by 2030."

SD Goal 8
"The SDGs promote sustained economic growth, higher levels of productivity and technological innovation. Encouraging entrepreneurship and job creation are key to this, as are effective measures to eradicate forced labour, slavery and human trafficking. With these targets in mind, the goal is to achieve full and productive employment, and decent work, for all women and men by 2030."

SD Goal 9
"Investment in infrastructure and innovation are crucial drivers of economic growth and development. With over half the world population now living in cities, mass transport and renewable energy are becoming ever more important, as are the growth of new industries and information and communication technologies."

SD Goal 10
"Income inequality requires global solutions. This involves improving the regulation and monitoring of financial markets and institutions, encouraging development assistance and foreign direct investment to regions where the need is greatest. Facilitating the safe migration and mobility of people is also key to bridging the widening divide."

SD Goal 11
"Making cities sustainable means creating career and business opportunities, safe and affordable housing, and building resilient societies and economies. It involves investment in public transport, creating green public spaces, and improving urban planning and management in participatory and inclusive ways."

SD Goal 12
"Achieving economic growth and sustainable development requires that we urgently reduce our ecological footprint by changing the way we produce and consume goods and resources. The efficient management of our shared natural resources, and the way we dispose of toxic waste and pollutants, are important targets to achieve this goal."

SD Goal 13
"Supporting vulnerable regions will directly contribute not only to Goal 13 but also to the other SDGs. These actions must also go hand in hand with efforts to integrate disaster risk measures, sustainable natural resource management, and human security into national development strategies."

SD Goal 14
"The SDGs aim to sustainably manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems from pollution, as well as address the impacts of ocean acidification. Enhancing conservation and the sustainable use of ocean-based resources through international law will also help mitigate some of the challenges facing our oceans."

SD Goal 15
"Urgent action must be taken to reduce the loss of natural habitats and biodiversity which are part of our common heritage and support global food and water security, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and peace and security."

SD Goal 16
"The SDGs aim to significantly reduce all forms of violence, and work with governments and communities to end conflict and insecurity. Promoting the rule of law and human rights are key to this process, as is reducing the flow of illicit arms and strengthening the participation of developing countries in the institutions of global governance."

SD Goal 17
"The goals aim to enhance North-South and South-South cooperation by supporting national plans to achieve all the targets. Promoting international trade, and helping developing countries increase their exports is all part of achieving a universal rules-based and equitable trading system that is fair and open and benefits all."